Is Chris Hemsworth the hero we didn’t know we needed?

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Life as we know it is over; cafes are serving takeaway only, footy has been suspended and gyms have closed. Pretty soon, we will all be housebound and most of us, let’s be honest, all of us will struggle. But, there are ways around self isolation without losing your mind.

I’m a social person. I crave human interaction and it isn’t uncommon for me to send updates to my friends daily. So, I know that I will struggle without my dance and pilates classes. I will struggle without my walks with friends, I will also struggle not being able to head to the bar on a Friday night.

Going Virtual:

CoWork Me member Mark Williams, suggested that to stay mentally healthy during this time we should turn to virtual options. We already use social media platforms, so why not take full advantage of it to stay connected. Mark suggested that social catch ups can be achieved through online platforms. For example, starting a virtual book club or film club with an app called ‘house party’ could be an option. These types of activities will allow you to feel a part of something during this time.

Going Virtual
Why Chris Hemsworth?

Well, apart from being ridiculously good looking, Chris has saved the population from eating their feelings and lying on the couch 24/7. Okay, he may not have saved everyone and I could be over dramatising but Chris has given Australian’s the opportunity to use his fitness app Centr, on a free six-week trial. Now, this is something I can definitely get around.

“We hope that by making Centr available to everyone for this extended period. We can help more people stay strong, healthy and find a sense of calm at a time when we all need that the most,” said Hemsworth in a press release.

Get Covid Ripped:

Now Chris isn’t the only person that has online programs. I personally have tried them all:
Ashy Bines
Kayla Itsines
Keep it Cleaner
28 By Sam Wood
Michelle Bridges

These are only a few of them out there. So, heaps of options available. But, if you are after more personalised programs, ask your gym. The personal trainers there are willing to help you out. For example, personal trainer Cailtyn sends out weekly training plans for her clients. So why not try that out if Thor’s program isn’t quite enough.

personal trainer Cailtyn
Will Gym’s Survive this pandemic?

A study found that free weights had 362 times more germs than the average toilet seat. Now, with the globe becoming increasingly hygienic, gyms will need to reevaluate their hygiene measures.

However, it’s not only the concept of hygiene that could deter people from returning to their fitness hubs. More people are finding alternative ways to exercise. For many, it’s actually getting back outdoors.

We know that exercising outdoors has added health benefits for people. So going for a run is a great way of incorporating high intensity interval training (HIIT) into your exercise routine.

“With gyms being closed, it’s forced me to be more creative with my workout routines” said Mick Millar from CoWork Me. Mick also said that he’s started to create small circuit sessions that focus on core strength and flexibility rather than just mindlessly shifting tin for 60 minutes.

Already, Mick feels more engaged with his workouts, however he’s looking into other ways to stay motivated during this time. One form is to complete HIIT programs with his girlfriend, so they are both accountable to each other.

Accountability applies to all areas when working remotely. Not having to check in with your teammates like normal is going to be a challenge. Not being able to attend your usual F45 class is going to be a challenge, and you will find social distancing to be a challenge. But, there are ways around it. Get online, get creative and we can get through #Covid19 together!