Faces of Cowork Me

Meet our amazing community and read about their business journey…

Alex Caravajal


Founder of Prefixer and a passionate drummer! 

Alex Caravajal

Alex Carvajal

 Owner of BC&Tech and One Minute cafe, shares his entreprenerial journey during a global pandemic.

Charlene Tan

Charlene Tan

Founder of Wayfinder Migration talks about the migration industry & career development.

Ty Brierley – BST Legal

Ty Brierley

 Owner of BST Legal
share his business journey
from Chef to Lawyer to
Business Owner

Scott Ko

Mia Bowyer

Founder of One Earth Marketing on: driving change, making waves and catching flights

Alex Caravajal


From Manchester to Melbourne: Jamie’s Journey in Event Excellence

Thor Bloomfield

Thor Bloomfield

 Owner of AMR Advisory talks about his business growth & inspiration

Jimmy Zissis

Jimmy Zissis

Trax RetailTrax Retail Customer Success Manager: On his work experience in a CoWorking Space.

Fleur Mouchemore

Fleur Mouchemore

Mouche Consulting Owner of Mouche Consulting: On what it takes to be a great leader.

Paul McGee

Paul McGee

Array Co-founder of Array,
discusses business development

Craig Silbery

Craig Silbery

Owner of ilume
Craig Silbery on the launch of his new start up ilume.

Shane Ryan

Shane Ryan

SAR Practitioners Owner of SAR Practitioners, gives us an insight into his business expansion plans.

Emily Wallace

Emily Wallace

Buyers Advocate Owner of Buyers
Advocate, talks about why she
started her business.

Cassandra Goodman

Cassandra Goodman

Founder – The Centre for Self-Fidelity
Self Fidelity pioneer, leadership coach and award winning author.


Ben and David

Ben and David on their new and exciting start up – Toolbox Education

Cheysa Beauty

Cheysa Brito

Founder and CEO – on the essence of holistic beauty

Nick Dunin

Nick Dunin

Founder, Beyond Rest on Flotation Therapy



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