“Deconstruct” your Pitch to Win

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Want to get your business funded, off the ground and accelerating to success?
Then you won’t want to miss this event.

Pitching is not what it’s made out to be. Indeed most entrepreneurs who pitch – suck at it… and loose out. If that’s you, but you want to win, you need to be here.

  • No holds barred deconstruction of your pitch.
  • Whether you have a deck or not doesn’t matter – do you have conviction?
  • This is more about getting the deal than following the formal rules for what you’re “supposed” to do
  • Why we know it works? People who have been on this intensive training go on to win pitch competitions!
  • Fast pitches from up to 7 entrepreneurs. You get feedback right there and then on how you can improve your pitch.
  • Networking with likeminded entrepreneurs. Drinks and nibbles

“Deconstruct” your Pitch to Win (2)


  • Go in-depth and learn exactly how to present your business and build relationships with investors
  • Understand the requirements for your business to be funded
  • Work directly on building and/or improving your presentation/deck
  • Hone your skills presenting so your presentation becomes fluid and you can focus on your message instead of the act of presenting
  • Get direct mentoring in the room from people that have seen dozens of pitches and presentations and know what gets the deal across
  • Test your full pitch/presentation in front of a small live audience and get immediate feedback

This unique event is for founders and entrepreneurs ready to step into a bigger space. Whether you have pitched before or not, you should be there on this evening to test your skills in a friendly environment.

Pitch / Presentation that wins the deal
If you’re ready to understand how exactly you can partner with professional investors to raise the capital you need to launch or grow your business you don’t want to miss this workshop that will provide a simple step-by-step formula that gives your presentation that special kick.

The first time we ran a condensed version of this training was for the contestants in the B2B Rocks Pitch competition in Sydney. The judges comments after the competition was they had never judged such an even playing field of a consistently high calibre of presentations. Yes, we made sure each and every one of these presentations stood out.

Question is: Will yours?

This is for you if….
The skills and insights you will gain from this event applies whether you’re running a business in

  • Food
  • AgTech
  • Sustainability
  • SAAS
  • Apps and platforms
  • eCommerce
  • and a range of other industries

Whether you are a first–time founder or a seasoned business owner you will walk away with fresh insights that you can put to good use immediately after the event.

Secure your spot via the link. Free for CoWork Me members, please contact stkilda@coworkme.com.au to claim your ticket.