How CoWork Me Delivers as a People-Centric Workspace

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The co-working phenomenon has continued to develop and adapt to business needs since its inception in the 1990s. As more professionals seek out a new and different way to work, shared workspaces need to accommodate for these modern requirements. At CoWork Me, this is a cornerstone of our mission.


We do this in many different ways! But today we’ll breakdown how CoWork Me functions as a People-Centric Workspace.

People-Centric Workspace


What is a People-Centric Workspace?

According to Coworking Insights, a people-centric workspace is one where the needs of everyone is considered. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, it provides a range of different features, amenities and events. This all leads to endless possibilities for work life and productivity.


The design of a shared workspace is critical in delivering a high-standard facility for all to use and share. Therefore, CoWork Me has features many diverse spaces designed for optimal co-working.


For starters, the floor-plan here at CoWork Me highlights the importance of a mixed-use layout. This includes a wide variety of dedicated and hot desks, private offices, and an array of meeting rooms – fit for small teams all the way up to a comfortable 30 people!

CoWork Me Delivers as a People-Centric Workspace

On top of that, we feature private and soundproof phone booths (perfect for calls or Zoom meetings). Also available are comfortable, open couch seating options here at CoWork Me.


Co-working isn’t co-working without that social element. It’s in the name! On both of our two floors, we feature an open, communal kitchen area for all to use as needed. This breathes life into our shared space, allowing for an open area. Here is where our members can socialise, make a coffee or grab some free fruit along the way.


CoWork Me also features a partner café on site. All the features of a fully-ran café are available to you, without the need to travel for a bite or cuppa.

CoWork Me also features a partner café

Our social events also keep our community close and in touch with each other. CoWork Me plays host to wellness events and seminars, communal cooking activities or language workshops – all run by members of our team and community of businesses. Our after-work drinks night also helps like-minded members meet and connect!


The importance of the natural world in an office space can’t be forgotten, either. CoWork Me’s colour palette features a mixture of vibrant greens, alongside our wide collection of plant life. According to BOS, a leading workspace-interior design company, green in the workplace is known to enhance creativity and innovation, and foster a sense of well-being and harmony by reducing anxiety.

So, why is a People-Centric Workspace important?

In today’s modern world, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, people are finding it less appealing to leave their homes to work in a designated place. Then how does CoWork Me break this trend? We’ve made the transition back into the workplace – and into a productive environment – easy! Simply put, we’re a devoted people-centric workspace, always putting our members first. Our team’s ethic to provide the absolute best of a co-working space, combined with our impressive facilities, events and amenities, create an environment unlike any other in Melbourne’s south-east.

But don’t take our word for it, check out our member reviews and have a look at what our community has to say.