How to make the most of your Hot Desk Membership at CoWork Me

by | Hot Desk, News

If you’re looking for the benefits of an office environment with the flexibility of working from home, a hotdesk could be the perfect work setup for you. Here at CoWork Me St Kilda, we offer hot desking solutions in our shared coworking space. If you’ve decided on a hotdesk solution here with us, you may be wondering what you need to get the most out of this versatile and modern working setup.

Here is some of our advice for maximising your comfort and productivity by creating the perfect hotdesk setup and work environment!

Setting up your hotdesk space

Hotdesks by nature are designed for coming and going, so it’s crucial to keep your essentials ready to go for a quick, easy setup and packdown at any of our available spaces. Bringing your own tools is also important for productivity, so you won’t be constantly pulled away from your work to get important equipment.

Some of these essentials include:

  • Laptop and/or tablet. A desktop setup is impractical for a hotdesk setup, so it’s good to have a portable option like a laptop or tablet.
  • Phone. Absolute essential for communication.
  • Chargers and cables. There’s nothing worse than your device dying in the middle of the day, so remember to keep any chargers and cables you need on hand.
  • USBs, hard drives, and cloud based services. These allow for easy file management between devices.
  • Stationery such as pens, notebooks, sticky notes, and planners. Even in the digital age, you never know when you need to take a quick note!
  • And of course, a bag to store everything. A specifically designed commuter backpack or tote is ideal for organising all your equipment in different compartments for storage and travel. 

It’s important to think about the ergonomics of your desk setup. Ergonomic tools such as laptop stands, ergo mice, wrist rests, and external keyboards can be great tools to get the benefits of a desktop setup on the go.

Being out of the home offices doesn’t have to mean giving up some creature comforts. A little can go a long way in making your hotdesk a temporary home away from home!

You could try decorating your space with photos, plants or other small decor items that can fit in your bag. If you don’t want the extra clutter, you could always brighten up your digital space by customising your desktop with wallpapers and widgets.

Lastly, with a CoWork Me hotdesk membership, you have access to the onsite partner cafe, as well as a shared kitchen space with food and beverage staples – but bringing your own home cooked meals or having your favourite snacks on hand can help to boost your mood and productivity. 

Working at a hotdesk in a shared coworking space

One of the benefits of working in a shared workspace is the social element. Here at CoWork me we host a diverse community of workers and offer wide, open office spaces to encourage a collaborative work environment. It’s good to keep in mind how you interact with your fellow community members and treat them with respect.

While we encourage collaboration and community between members, we know there are always times to buckle down and concentrate, and with people moving around communal spaces, it can get distracting. For that, we suggest bringing noise-cancelling headphones to block out any noise from common areas. At CoWork Me, we also offer soundproof pods around the building if you need to step out to take private calls or ZOOM meetings.

It is important to treat your shared environment with respect, and clean up after yourself. Our offices are cleaned regularly, but with people moving around the space it can benefit to give a desk a wipe down before and after use to keep the space clean and the community healthy. We suggest bringing a small pack of sanitiser and wipes for this purpose.

With these tips in mind, we hope you can make the most of your hotdesk membership at CoWork Me.

Like the idea of coworking but want a fixed space instead? We also offer dedicated desk and private office options. Get in touch with us here at CoWork Me and join our coworking community today!