Why coworking spaces are better for business

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Why Coworking Spaces are Better for Business

With months of being locked down during a global pandemic, many of us have lost a sense of connection to the outside world. From a working perspective, this has impacted our ability to be collaborative and more productive.

As we return to normal life in Melbourne, now more than ever is a time to consider establishing your workplace as part of a larger supportive community.

Coworking spaces combine the benefits of working alone with collaboration and being able to connect with like minded business people. Research has shown that a more cooperative work culture makes employees and business owners happier and healthier. Which at this time, is the core of what people want.

However it’s more than simply checking off the boxes on a list of social and psychological needs. In fact, when workers from different businesses develop relationships with others in a coworking community, new growth opportunities are discovered which can sometimes transform our business.

So why work in a coworking environment? Here are 5 key benefits:

  • Learning and collaboration – The benefits of coworker relationships go beyond feelings of well-being:  When workers have a choice in the matter, they opt to work in spaces where they can forge connections with their fellow community to grow. In fact, when asked what type of office space would increase productivity and job satisfaction the most, 92% chose “a place that encourages informal serendipitous interactions.” That’s why CoWork Me enables the community to connect regularly through informal and regular events. Who knows where that conversation with someone new can lead you. In addition, we have multiple communal kitchen and lounge areas which encourage casual conversation which can spark creativity and collaboration.
  • New Ideas and perspectives – when you share an office with people from different industries, you’re exposed to new ways of thinking that can help get your creative juices flowing;  find inspiration in a new discussion or idea; and discover possibilities you hadn’t even imagined. A new study from Microsoft published in the Harvard Business Review has highlighted what the value of informal interactions, called “social capital”, can to do improve organisational performance. Especially when you feel like you have hit a wall, spontaneous “corridor” interactions and conversations can often inspire you back into action.
  • Space – Coworking spaces come in different shapes and sizes, but the main idea is that they provide an alternative to working from home or running your business out of your living room. As we all know, not having the right tools and environment for work can really impact productivity. A well-designed coworking space takes into account ergonomics, natural lighting, the type of chair you sit in, and how your workstation is set up.Additionally, many coworking spaces offer an array of services beyond simply providing desks for people to do their work. Depending on what you are looking for, they might include services like printing, scanning, meeting room hire, daily deliveries of fresh fruit and veges, even pet care.
  • Community – Working in isolation can become lonely and uninspiring very quickly. That’s why coworking spaces are so important for business owners. Being part of a community provides opportunities to meet new people who share your same values and interests, and helps you grow a network of contacts to support your business.Sometimes these connections can lead to new opportunities for work or even making valuable investments in the future. In fact, one study reported that 38% of workers were introduced to their current job through an existing coworking community member. We at CoWork Me want our community members to connect with each other. We believe that the best way to do this is through our regular community events, both formal and informal.
  • Happier work environments – Humans are hard-wired to be social creatures; we thrive when we have a sense of community and this has proven to bring happiness. As more people feel isolated in cities, coworking offers an antidote by providing options for everyone to work among others in a shared workspace. Coworking spaces are purpose built for work, so there’s none of the distractions you get at home.Well-designed workspaces provide an environment where people can do their best work. It’s not just about having access to equipment or being surrounded by inspiration; it’s literally about feeling safe enough to let your guard down because you know that if you need help, there are people around to support you.

Dedicated Desk Melbourne

At CoWork Me, our focus is on creating a sense of community in the workplace so it’s not about simply spending money for renting space – It’s about being part of something bigger.

To enquire about our space, click on the button below.